Monday 28 March 2005

Whole Worlds to Explore

How does one see others?

I like to see them as "Whole Worlds to Explore"

When two people meet, they are like two globes, and at that meeting point of them globes, is the transaction. From that part of the globe that is touching the other, is what is being manifested from essence to external attributes (voice, expression, behaviour, etc), and yet through that part also, is that globe seeing the other globe.

Upon seeing a person, upon meeting a person. You are only witnessing a glimpse into that persons life. A life possibly full of many things, a person full of many emotions, thoughts, dreams, ambitions, views, opinions, feelings, experiences, etc, etc.

Does the meeting of the globes, revolve aroud eachother harmoniously. Does one orbit the other. Do they clash, hurt eachother, or immerse in eachother pleasurably. How long is that contact kept, how far does the contact spread, from one part of anothers surface to another part, and so on.

Will you touch upon the surface, only to reel, having touched a side too warm and harse. Will you not have patience, to give a chance to see more? Or will you conclude judgment enough, just from that brief meeting?

If you stop at that exterior, you will never get to the interior, which is the real. Stop at the clouds, even if stormy, you wont ever find any peaceful lands to lay upon.

You could also stop at the exterior, and just love the exterior. However, that is superficial and superficial is not meant to last, for it is only an attribute of the real, not the real itself. If you were to delve in deeper, you may be rewarded by something so much sweeter to love, or find something to change your mind entirely about the relationship. So dont race to love upon reaching the beautiful skies, wait first to atleast get a touch of the ground below and give change to get a lil "Down To Earth together" :)

Oh how I wish to see what someone loves you for, as well as understand why anyone would not love you. Get the complete picture. A great adventour awaits you, at every rendevous.


The First part. I just want to clarify something. Sometimes, you may look upon upon, or think upon something, in one state. In one mood, or in one angle, you see and think upon that thing differently, when in another mood or angle. Also, when looking and thinking upon something, in a different mood or angle, you usually sometimes notice new things. This is why, the part of that globe, that touches and presents itself to the other, is also in a way the part to reads and sees the surface upon the other globe. "When two people meet, they are like two globes, and at that meeting point of them globes, is the transaction."

Compassion since Birth


All you need is Love, as the Beatles once sang.

Love is all you need, so many more have sung.

Love Thy Neighbour, Prophet Moses, Saviour of the Hewbrew People, Revelation from the All-Loving, All-Compassionate.

What is the opposite of Love, Hate. Any Alternative? How about indifference.
Can hate be justifiable? Of Course. Can hate be neccessary, yes, out of Love. Love for your loved one, is naturally what is love for whatever harms your loved one.
So Love has to be justified, just as Hate is justified, and in turn, both become neccesary in the 'equation'.

Though everyone can say, that Love is the desired out of all. Those who are experienced and well-endowned with wisdom to see deep into their experiences; would say that love's best reward, is its reciproca'tion.

So.. I wish to get personal in this writing of mine here. I am afraid I shall have to, to explain what I can see of this.
To be able to be Compassionate, is my goal. You see, Mercy is to give a poor person some aid. Love, is to be comfortable with the company of something or someone, in your pyshical presence and or emotional space; ie, your thoughts, your heart.
Compassion, is to give a poor person aid, because you have experienced yourself the hardships or being poor, and how much a little aid would mean to such a person, as it would have meant to you, when you experienced poverty. Compassion is to do with actually relating and feeling, other than your own self.
Compassion, thus far exceeds that of Love and Mercy on their own. It is more powerful and more secure, for a basis of any relationship.

Now.... I am not sure about anybody else. But for me, I absolutely LOVE and ADORE babies and lil kids. If you spend enough quality time with babies and small kids, and remember also that you were once like them, and so were everyone else, you too would love babies.
From that love, i feel compassion, or atleast try to, for everyone. Everyone, was in a mother's womb once. Everyone, was given birth to. Most of us, were taken care of, breastfed, nourished, protected preciously, loved and cared for. Its when something goes wrong with the nourishing, care and love, do many people turn out to be those of whom many of us find difficult having any form of compassion rather than hate towards.
However nasty a person is, I know that when they were a baby, I would still be inclined to adore that baby. Who among us, would say that they would kill Hitler, whilst he was still in his cot? Many could say, but in reality, standing infront of a cot, with a sane mind and healthy heart. One could not kill a baby, without utmost difficulty. A few may though. However, thats a question, of perception of the concept of fate. Which is a whole other field of philosophy, though connected to this in some respects.

I am not to say, that I would blindly give love out freely, and let myself be taken advantage of and made a fool of. For as I said before, to love, is also to hate that which harms that which you love. However, at the same time, we are connected, in the way we all came out of some form of compassion and could only be maintained and sustained through some form of compassion. For if hate, disgust or dislike overtook compassion, love and mercy, a baby would die neglected.
This is the same way, that some children grow up can become those whom some may despise. Adults, also, even after a nourished young life, may also become hard-hearted.
I just want to be a nourisher, rather than a drainer, as much as I possibly can. I want to stay in touch, with that compassion that brought us into this world. Rather than the Hate and Fear that takes most of us out of this world.